2024 IS SHAPING UP TO BE OUR BIGGEST AND BEST BEANIE FESTIVAL TO DATE…. including a selection of online Beanies for sale.

As the winter grasses reach for the sky and the early morning mists roll through the Goulburn Valley, the Murrindindi Beanie & Fibre Festival opens it’s doors. Since July 2015, a feast of fibre art, fabulous beanies, stalls and more take centre stage as the town of Alexandra and the community at large comes alive with all thing’s beanie. Now firmly positioned on the fourth weekend in May, people, lamp posts, shops and businesses take up the challenge of creating, wearing & displaying their best creation.
The Festival is held every year on the fourth weekend in May, this year on the 25-26th May, among rolling green hills. Alexandra is an easy scenic one & half hours’ drive north east from Melbourne via either Yea or Healesville.
2024 is not just beanies, the Festival is expanding to become the Fibre Festival of the North East, as the event promises to provide fun and frivolity as beanies and all manor of knitted or crocheted items are donated, displayed and available to purchase. 2024 is also the first time that The Alexandra Quilters will be also hosting a quilting exhibition concurrently on the same weekend as our fabulous fibre festival, providing a great weekend away with many accommodation choices available in Alexandra and the Murrindindi Shire.
Our feast of fibre Market. Every year our market has grown bigger and better, featuring a large market full of home or hand made items, fibre artists, and market stalls with some of the finest, yarns, fibres, winter warmers, textiles, spinning demonstrations, yummy treats, wool, yarn, and exquisite country catering throughout the weekend in the Alexandra Shire Hall. In 2024 the MBFF is expanding into a new nearby site. Interested wool growers, fibre artists or stall holders can email murrindindi.beanie.festival@gmail.com
Since our inception, the must-see category ‘Murrindindi Madness’ is a draw card to all as it’s wild and wacky theme is always open to interpretation and is sure to put a smile on your face.
If you are creative, we encourage you to enter a beanie or other winter woolly item. Entries often come from all over Australia & overseas and entry is free. For further information on category details, conditions and entry forms, head to our ENTER page on this site.
Beanies are donated to the MBFF for exhibition & sale, with prize cards are awarded, School children are also encouraged to enter. Doors open from 10:00am to 4:00pm both days & Festival entry is by $2.00 cold coin donation.
While our online auction is on from Monday the 20th, ending Sunday the 26th May, 3pm, with a select number of beanies for sale to the highest bidder. For those who are unable to make it visit, 32auctions.com/beanie2024
The Murrindindi Beanie & Fibre Festival is Non for Profit with proceeds from the sale of the beanies & other fibre creations going towards local charities within the community of Murrindindi. Since it’s inception over 8 years ago, the Beanie Fest gives towards Alexandra Rotary, for their provision of firewood for the elderly and infirm living within our community. Previously the MBFF enabled Platform Youth Theatre in Yea to run a special program for local kids, while Yea Primary School was given a grant to purchase microphones for their annual musical performance. Funds raised in 2020 helped Buxton PS kids attend a much needed school camp on the coast of Warratah Bay after weeks of COVID restictions, just to name a few.
MBFF is a community based not for profit group promoting products, and art and craft produced locally in the Shire of Murrindindi and beyond. The Murrindindi Beanie & Fibre Fest acknowledges the huge support of the local community and the The Shire of Murrindindi. The Murrindindi Beanie Festival Vic is a member of Regional Arts Victoria.
Beanies remain on display throughout the weekend and sold & NFS beanies can be collected after 4pm on Sunday 26th, the final day of the Festival.